Inkscape gradient tool handle to bounding box
Inkscape gradient tool handle to bounding box

You can also adapt the bars and dialog displays to the way you draw, by customizing the Main Window view with style settings. You can create and edit graphics using various displays, such as bars, dialogs, numeric value and unit of measure boxes. The Inkscape default window is laid out with four bars at the top, two on the left, two on the right and three at the bottom. (2) The Statusbar (bottom center) will provide an updated Notificaton message describing the highlighted Menu bar item. (1) The mouseover of one of the drop down menu items will highlight (background color) the item. For a quick example, click the Menu's bar ‣ File option, then mouseover 🖰 one of the ‣ File options and there will be two feedback features. The Menu bar is title, not button, based so when using these titled edits Inkscape still provides updated assistance.

inkscape gradient tool handle to bounding box

This is visible on the Main Window as every bar's button (icon), numeric value and unit of measure boxes will produce tooltip (help) messages.

inkscape gradient tool handle to bounding box

Ne of Inkscape's main priorities is ease of use.

Inkscape gradient tool handle to bounding box